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Welcome to Boiling Springs


We believe that everyone who walks in our doors is a part of our Church Family, and we would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor. We Hope that you will come and visit us so we can worship together. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit.


For those who are considering visiting us, we thank you in advance for joining us in worshiping our Risen Savior, Jesus Christ.


Our Mission


To Connect With God, Connect With Others, and Connect Others With God! That's our Mission here at Boiling Springs.


We believe that the purpose for our lives is to share with others the good news of Jesus Christ. We are a Great Commission Church that believes in Missions and we strive to be a positive influence in our community. We are striving to grow closer with God so we can be a shinning light in this world of darkness and despair. Below are some of our ministry partners, you can click on the images to go to their website's to learn more. 

Service Times for the week of 3/30/25

Services are held at the following times:


Sunday Prayer Room: 9:30 AM

Sunday School: 10:00-10:50 AM

Sunday Morning Worship Service: 11:00 AM

Choir Practice: Sundays following our Worship Service

Wednesday Youth & Adult Services: 6:30 PM

Church Work Day: 4/5/25 at 9:00 AM



​​​​Changes to Services will be announced on our website, Facebook account, and on our phone tree.

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This Week's Sermon
​​Our Motto:

We are an imperfect people serving a perfect Savior! That statement is so simple and yet so powerful to describe who we are as sinners compared to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who is holy and perfect.


We have many events that go on here at Boiling Springs. You can check out what is going on by going to our Upcoming Events Page.






Check us out on Social Media

We want to share with others about our church family as we strive to serve our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Please like us on our Facebook, as well as our YouTube account, "Boiling Springs Baptist." Click on the Facebook and YouTube icons on the bottom of this page to get to our Facebook  as well as to our YouTube account where you can view our weekly sermons from our currently guest ministers until God sends our new Pastor to us. 



Inclement Weather Notice: 

If we were to ever have to cancel our services due to inclement weather, we will have weather cancellations on our Facebook page, our website, on WXII 12, on WFMY 2, and on AM 800 WKBC. 


Where We Are Located: 

We would love for everyone to come out and join us each and every Sunday. We are located at the following address:


1390 Boiling Springs Rd.

Purlear, NC 28665

If you need to contact Pastor Lance or any of our Deacons, they are available at all times to speak and minister to you. You can Contact them at the following numbers:


Our Pastor, the Rev. Lance Wilson,

Cell Phone #: 828-292-9595



Mr. Jerry Eller, our Chairman of the Deacons

Home Phone #: 336-973-4107
Cell Phone #: 336-452-4127


Mr. Raymond Eller,

Home Phone #: 336-973-8086

Cell Phone #: 828-773-3960


Mr. Steve Jenkins

Home Phone #: 336-838-0930

Cell Phone #: 336-466-9417


Mr. Jeff Phipps

Home Phone #: 336-973-3991
Cell Phone #: 336-984-6761


​Mr. Chad Lapish

Home Phone #: 336-973-8309
Cell Phone #: 336-452-8180




This past Wednesday Night we here at Boiling Springs held a special unity service with Pleasant Valley Baptist Church. We had a very powerful service, as we had wonderful singing from Ms. Maddy Wilson and we had a wonderful message from the Pastor of Pleasant Valley Baptist Church, Bro. Joe Farmer. Our main scripture was from Revelation 3:1-6. We learned the church today is still operating, but like the church in Sardis we are dead as we are not impacting our community with the Gospel like we once were. We were warned that we are too focused on what others are doing and not on spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. It was a wake up call that we strongly encourage you to take note of and pray how God can use you so that His church may be alive and well again (after all we are praying for Revival and we must repent before God can move). We also hope you will join us this Sunday March 30, 2025 at 11:00 AM as we will be having our 2025 Women's Day with special singing and a special presentation on Hurricane Halene relief efforts, so please join us if you are able (or watch it here on YouTube if you cannot join us in person). 


Also due to some technical issues we were unable to get the joint choir in our recording. It is available on Pleasant Valley's YouTube page. Here is the link to view the choir singing:


We are excited to announce that we will be having Women's Day this Sunday March 30, 2025. Please be making plans to join us for Women's Day. 


​​​​​​We will be having our next WOM and Brotherhood meeting on Sunday April 13, 2025 following our Worship Service. 


We will be having our Easter Communion Service on Wednesday April 16, 2025 at 6:30 PM. Please come and join us as we remember the sacrifice that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ paid for us on the Cross. 


We would love for you to join us this year on Easter Sunday as we gather to celebrate the glorious Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We will be having our annual Easter Sunrise Service on Sunday April 20, 2025 at 7:00 AM. Our annual Easter Breakfast will be at 7:30 AM. In place of our Prayer Room we will be having a special time of prayer in our Fellowship Hall at 8:30 AM before we head off to Sunday School. We will start Sunday School around 8:45 AM and our Easter Sunday Morning Worship Service will be at 10:00 AM. Please invite everyone that you know to come and join us this Easter Sunday here at Boiling Springs.  


​If you need a ride to any of our Worship Services, please call one of our Deacons. They will be happy to come and pick you up or they will get you in contact with someone from the church who will be able to if for some reason they are not able. 


Our weekly bulletins are on our website. You can visit and view our bulletins (The 3/23/25 bulletin is now available online). 


  If you cannot join us and need to mail your offering please check out our offering information page. It is located at


© 2025 Boiling Springs Baptist Church

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